
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Free iPhone Security App

SYOD - Secure Your Own Device - Free iPhone App

iPhone security for everyone, because information security is everyone's responsibility. SYOD was created in this spirit. It helps users not only secure their iPhone, but educate them about why these settings are important.

Centralized corporate technology alone can no longer protect individuals or corporations. With the ubiquity of mobile and cloud computing, the edge of the network is blurred as mobile devices bring data and computing power everywhere; individuals are the single most important component to both individual as well as corporate security.

One element of the iOS operating system design is that individual apps have limited access to the configuration settings on an iPhone. While this is an important security feature in that it is part of a sandbox design that keeps apps into their own safe areas, it also inhibits centralized configuration of important security settings.

SYOD addresses this by grading iPhone security configuration based on a self assessment of current security settings, from secure to insecure. It also gives step-by-step instructions on how to configure each setting. Topics covered include: activating screen auto-lock and passcode-lock, disabling Siri bypass and configuring Wi-Fi security. More info and the complete self test are available on the app available on iTunes:

We're currently in process of upgrading SYOD for iOS8.

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